WHY EucXylo?
EucXylo is a dynamic and growing research program which provides a fascinating variety of opportunities for curious students and scientists. We are working with some of the most interesting plants on the planet, too. Did you know that some species of Eucalyptus are the tallest flowering plants in the world, reaching heights of over 100 m? And that eucalypts are the world’s most widely planted hardwoods, contributing to a substantial global industry? Well managed eucalypt plantations provide a sustainable source of fibre and fuel, and are an important consideration in terrestrial carbon sequestration options, so critical for the well-being of our planet for future generations. Students with almost any background will find a niche in our program!
Working with us
A number of postdoctoral fellowships and several post-graduate research projects, at M.Sc. and Ph.D. level, are part of this Chair. Have a look at the scope of our work in the buttons below, describing different areas of research that we are pursuing. If you think you might fit in somewhere, and we’re always open to new ideas, scroll down to the button for current vacancies and details on how to apply to join us!
Research activities in EucXylo revolve around four main themes: (1) Understanding how eucalypt trees grow, via a clearer view of their ecophysiology and, in that context, how they form their xylem, (2) formulating the best models to capture our understanding of the tree growth, ecophysiology and xylogenesis, (3) integrating models in a simulation system which provides flexibility and harnesses the available computational power and (4) characterization of fully differentiated wood, as our main basis for comparison. The research involves an ongoing cycle of experimentation and model formation
We welcome enquiries from qualified candidates at any time. But see below for any positions we’re actively trying to fill.