Eco-physiological interactions and resultant variability in xylem properties in four contrasting 𝘌𝘶𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘺𝘱𝘵𝘶𝘴 clones

This project explores the very short-term eco-physiological responses to variability a range of environmental conditions in two Eucalyptus pure species and two hybrids.  The work is ultimately concerned with elucidating how these short-term responses in phenomena like transpiration, stem growth, expansion and contraction, stomatal conductance and photosynthesis influence the properties of xylem formed.  And importantly, what are the differences and similarities between the four varieties?  The experimental set-up was designed to specifically consider two sets of contrasts.  Firstly,  E. grandis, in contrast with hybrids between the cold-tolerant E. grandis x E. nitens, and the sub-tropical hybrid E. grandis x  E. urophylla.  Secondly, E. grandis, and E. urophylla, in contrast with the hybrid between these two species.  The trees are heavily instrumented with dendrometers, HPV sap flow, Sentech soil water and temperature probes and there is an automatic weather station adjacent to the trees measuring the full gambit of climatic variables.